Man this is recognizable...:
Guy Stucks in Class
Man this is recognizable...:
Robert Caputo’s African Widelife
Some really beautiful photo shots from the African widelife by Robert Caputo. Visit his galleries here.

The new Stage6? Ninja Video offers High Quality DivX Movies, TV Shows, Anime, Documentaries, Music Videos and a lot more... Try Ninja Video now to see if it's a good Stage6 Replacement:
Festo AirJelly
A Cool Web Intro
At last a splash intro for a print shop web site which actually… doesn’t suck. Click the image watch:
Explain That to Your Insurance Company

A collection of very strange accidents that are hard to be explained (to your insurer). Click to see more @ Thatwasfunny.
Tell Them How Your Really Feel
Marion Bataille - ABC3D
MARION BATAILLE is graphic and book designer who has never before been published in this country. She lives in Paris. This is just a hand-made mock-up of the actual book which publishes in Oct. 2008.
Ukulele Orchestra of Geat Britain - Life on Mars
How to Dodge a Parking Ticket
Evil Cell Phones - Watch more free videos
40 Professional Icon Sets For Free Download

When it comes to icons, web designers and graphic artists have an excellent opportunity to showcase their craft, prove their experience and explore their creativity. A sweet, nice icon set is a perfect showcase of designer’s work and a powerful instrument to build up your reputation online. In fact, designers make use of it, creating absolutely amazing icon sets and offering them for free download.
Read more and download the icons @ Smashingmagazine!
The Great Swallow
Red Bull Trial X rider Julien Dupont rides dutch bridge
Sea Star Time Lapse
20 Amazing Weather Phenomena

Mother Nature is always full of surprises, but sometime she really does amaze us. Like the natural green flash, which occurs very briefly before total sunset and after sunrise. It appears as a green flash above the sun that lasts very briefly, generally only a few moments.
Click to read more about it: 20 Amazing Weather Phenomena @ Listverse.
Tag Galaxy

Here is a cool addition to the land of Flickr - very nice application to explore Flickr photos via virtual planetary systems.
You enter a tag, and the related galaxy appears on screen. Each planet contains the pictures of a certain tag, and when you click on them, the images are placed on a 3D rotating globe.
A neat photographic journey: Tag Galaxy

At just 2ft 9in, Indian muscleman Aditya ‘Romeo’ Dev is the world’s smallest bodybuilder.
Romeo said: “I’ve been training as a bodybuilder for the last two years and by now I think I must be the strongest dwarf in the world.”
Click to see more pictures and read the article @ Daily Mail.
Introducing the jDome Invention
10 Optical Illusions in 2 Minutes

Skreemr is the worlds greatest mp3 search engine. It's fast, and you can stream and download a lot of music directly.
Download mp3 music directly - Skreemr!
Super Genintari Console

This creation by Richard DaLuz is a hyper video console system, a mod with hot-swappable four other legendary consoles built-in: a NES, a SNES, a Sega Genesis and an Atari Flashback 2, called Super Genintari Console. Click on the image to an interview with him @ Gizmodo, and check the video also.
Who's That Hiding In My Fox 5 News Logo?
Audiotool Demo

Cool online TB-303 and TR-909 simulation by Hobnox. Once sold as limited stocks, now you can try them online. JAVA required. Really wonderfull:
Hobnox TB-303 and TR909
Fishing Osprey Style
Purdue SPE Goldberg Machine
Cinco De Mayo Carnival - Timelapse
Kitty VS Ninja Turtle - Watch more free videos
Wild Film History

Wild Film History is a free-to-view digital library packed with films, interviews and photographs celebrating 100 years of wildlife filmmaking. The project brings together milestone films, interviews, pictures and texts dating from as far back as 1895, including contributions from past and present international wildlife stars, such as Oliver Pike (1900s), the extraordinary Martin and Osa Johnson (1920s), Cherry Kearton (1930s), Armand and Michaela Denis, (1950s & 60s), Johnny Morris (1960s & 70s) and Sir David Attenborough.
Weather Photo

German site with more than 10'000 impressive photos.
From clouds, rainbows, lightning, storms, susnset skies and much more:
Weather Photo