Prototype - game trailer
Kingfishers in action
From a hide attached to the old millworker’s cottage near Bristol where he lives with his wife, TV host Philippa Forrester, he has spent thousands of hours photographing the elusive bird.
Click to enjoy the stunning images by Charlie Hamilton James: Kingfishers in action
Visualization of the Coriolis & Centrifugal forces
More info about the effects are available here.
Mega Man 2.5D
Pod cars over Abu Dhabi
Click to learn more: Pod cars over Abu Dhabi
Powerless short film
2012 Trailer HD
CD-player(s) in microgravity
Gyroscopically stabilized CD-player(s) in microgravity onboard the International Space Station.
(April 26, 2003) — In his final episode of Saturday Morning Science, Expedition Six NASA ISS Science Officer Don Pettit demonstrates gyroscopic spin stabilization. Pettit floats several portable compact disc players in microgravity that are spinning and not spinning:
I caught my dad with my GF
I’ve had my GF for 2 years now (practically lives with me) - small white, petite thang, cooks for me, always been good to me.
I go away on holiday for a week, come back and something just doesn’t seem right. I asked my Father if he had seen anything happen with my GF and he acts clueless.
So fast forward to 3 weeks later… I’m coming home from work when BAM clear as day, right in my Kitchen I catch my Father red handed with his meat in my GF.
I was pi**ed, told him to get his meat out of GF and GTFO, needless to say my GF got turned off. I just couldn’t get over it and that night kicked my GF to the curb.
Grandmadonna photoshop
Madonna is getting old, but there is why Photoshop.
Click to see the entire, untouched gallery of Madonna:
Andreas Franke photo(shop) works
Cool photos and photo processing works by Andreas Franke.
Click to visit his homepage: Andreas Franke

Hedgehog with big ears
Exactly what you would expect… a cutie hedgehog which is so adorable. Click to see more of him: Big eared Hedgehog
Pierre Luc Granjon - The Other Kids’ Castle
Thunderstorm simulation & Toto - Africa
Jean-Jacques Annaud - L’Our (The Bear)
Photographs from The Mirror’s Edge

A cool photo project, based on the Mirror’s Edge game. To recreate the game in real life... Must have taken a loooot of time and work:
Author: Jesse James Allen
Mirror's Edge Photographs
Corey McKenna - Wedding invitation
Project Natal - Play games without a controller
Lock/unlock your computer
Edge game for iPhone
‘on the second’ Photo

Wow this picture on the left was definately made just on the right second...
I wonder if the woman was still smiling after that bite :)
Magnus Betner - Comedy2go
How to fake an appreciation of art
Roomba cleaning path

Ken Block - Gymkhana TWO
Dancing fountain
The World of Chemistry
Russian Army test

This visual test is from the Russian Army entry level test. If you can’t see the number 5, check the link for the answer…
Read more: Russian Army test
Go Home Ball

Go Home Ball is here! It's your job to get Ball home. Ball lives in a hollow tree stump in a forest. Thankfully, said forest is filled with ramps, bridges, floating platforms, mine carts and more. These items are thoughtfully configured into those Goldberg-esque contraptions that you're just too tired to build anymore.
PLAY: Go Home Ball
Top 5 E3 Trailers - Electronic Entertainment Expo
5. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2:
4. Splinter Cell Conviction:
3. Metal Gear Solid: Rising:
2. Alan Wake:
1. Assassins Creed:
Chainsaw-powered bicycle
Why the F* do you have a kid?

A blog specialized on finding the answer why some people have kids. Cause they shouldn't! Click to see more:
Warning: Some NSFW photos.
Why the F do you have a kid?